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Thanks for another great run. ...and can I say again I think the trophies you have are just superb. The Wombat (my kids love it) now sits very nicely next to the Lighthouse (my personal favourite, I admit). Well done on the report too—highlighting the Good Samaritan deeds of Lisa and Dion—wonderful spirit and worthy of celebration and emulation.
Prom Run—May 2019


Experience the 22nd running of one of Australia’s best coastal trail runs at Victoria’s spectacular Wilsons Promontory National Park. The run is all on single track, rock, fire trails and beaches offering spectacular coastal views with approximately 10 km on sealed road. Depending on tide movements it is necessary to wade across Growlers Creek at the creeks at Oberon Beach.

The Prom 100 is a self supported run, it is not a race. Runners are fully responsible for their own safety and assume full liability for their participation. Participants should offer assistance to other runners in distress.

A manned safety/first aid checkpoint is also located at the junction of Telegraph Track and Waterloo Bay Tk.

Weather conditions could be cold, wet and windy. Hypothermia is a serious risk and all runners should be prepared.

The Prom 100 should only be attempted by experienced trail runners with good navigation experience. The run will start and finish in the dark. As a minimum, runners attempting the 100 km course must have successfully completed at least one 50 km organised trail run in the previous 24 months.

This is an arduous course with constant climbs that take a cumulative toll.

Distances: four runs will be available—27, 47 km, 66 km and 100 km—with the 27/47 km commencing at 08:00 A.M. and the longer runs starting at 06:00 and 07:00 A.M. Early start times are available for slower runners by prior agreement with the RD.

Times will be recorded at race Headquarters at Tidal River and runners must log in at the manned checkpoint at the Junction of Telegraph track and Waterloo Bay walking trail. Runners must log at both locations as a safety check.

Support: This is a run that traverses difficult to access and remote terrain with limited vehicle or air access.  There will be limited support at the junction of Telegraph and Waterloo Tracks and also at Tidal River at the 80 km mark. This a self supported run. Water is available at campsites and from creeks.

100 km Qualifying requirements

This is not a run to be taken lightly, hypothermia is a serious risk and participants must be prepared for any weather conditions.

The Prom 100—100 km distance should only be attempted by experienced trail runners with good navigation experience and experience in running in all types of conditions. As a minimum, runners attempting the course must have, in the last 24 months successfully completed at least one organised trail ultra of 50-60 km (eg Razorback 64 km, Santa's Run—Mt Buller Skyrun  45 km, Alpine Challenge 60 km) or 8+ hour rogaine events.

For the shorter distances, the following is recommended:

  • 66 km—at least one organised trail ultra of 40-50 km (eg Baw Baw 44 km, Alpine Challenge 42/60 km, Razorback 40 km) or 6+ hour rogaine
  • 47 km—at least one organised trail run of 20 km++ (eg Baw Baw Trail Fest, Mt Buller Skyrun, Razorback 40 km, Alpine Challenge 25 km) or 4+ hour rogaine

Runners must have good bush/navigation experience. All participants should have experience in running on trails in cold/wet conditions, and for 100 km runners, experience in navigating/route finding at night and in adverse conditions.

Cut off

100 km—For runners entering the 100 km distance there is a mandatory cut off going through Tidal River at the 80 km mark of 9:00 PM. If you haven’t exited Tidal River by 9:00 PM you will receive a DNF and not be permitted to proceed. There is a new cut off at 06:30 P.M. at the junction of Telegraph Track and Waterloo Bay on the return from the Lighthouse.

27/47/66 km—Whilst at this stage there is no formal cut off imposed on the 27/47/66 km run, any runner that knows they will be traveling slowly/walking must inform the Race Director prior to the start. Sweeps may then move ahead of these participants in order to maintain contact with the rest of the field. Sweeps and Checkpoint personnel at Waterloo/Lighthouse Junction have the authority to pull runners who are too slow/struggling on the course, from the event. NB - this is a run, not a walk!

Runners are encouraged to review their condition at Waterloo Bay and downgrade to a shorter distance if they feel that they will have difficulty completing the course.

General Information

Medical Evacuation: Given the nature of the terrain and the distance from the closest hospital you should join Ambulance Victoria. Medical evacuations are at participants' cost. Contact (Ph: 1300 366 141)