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Razorback 22km

22 km Alpine Run

This classic Alpine run takes in the entire length of the Razorback to offer some of the most stunning ridge running and scenery in the Australian Alps, the 22 km short course Razorback Ridge—a delightful day out up to the Summit of Mt Feathertop and back along the Razorback.

Set in the heart of Victoria’s high country the Razorback Run is one of the most amazing high altitude runs that Australia has to offer.

Course Details

22 km Razorback Ridge Run is an out and back course.

The 22 km run has got to be one of Victoria’s, if not Australia’s most stunningly spectacular short course half marathons.

Starting at 08:00 A.M. at the trail head of the Razorback Track, opposite Diamantina Hut, you are treated to amazing views across the High Country—including a view of your destination—Mount Feathertop (on a clear day that is).

The course is an out and back run along an undulating trail with steep drop offs, for 10 km along the Razorback Ridge to the Cross, at the Cross there is a directional sign to the summit of Mt Feathertop (1 km). Follow the track past the junction to MUMC Hut to finish with a great little climb to the summit of Mount Feathertop, Victoria’s second highest peak.

From the summit it is a run back to the start, ignoring the turn off down Diamantina Spur to the finish line, and refreshments before proceeding down to Harrietville for a 02:00 P.M. presentation ceremony.

NB: there is no water along the track. Runners must carry their own water. Toilets are available at Federation Hut below the Cross.

Elevation Profile

To download the JPEG file, click here.


Map, elevation profile and Strava activity by courtesy of Aaron Knight Note: you need to be logged into Strava to see this activity.


To download the pdf, click here.